Monday, April 21, 2008

living in the "now"

im following along on oprahs "a new earth" webcasts, if you havent checked it out you might want to, it is a phenomenal experience. Eckhart Tolle (the author of the book) talks about living in the present, removing the illusion that anything exists beyond the present; and it really made me think of children with autism. i have often observed present moment thinking in ryeder . like today for example - it's spring (thank the lord! or whoever is responsible for that.) all kinds of little bugs are hatching and flying around: well, that sends ryeder into oblivion! then i thought - hey maybe that is a "present moment" thing. i can go outside and i notice the bugs but i move onto some other thought and it's forgotten; he can't move on - he is always there in the "now". autistic children have what is labelled as sensory disorders but i've often thought that it isn't really a disorder at all. the senses are something that keep us in the "present moment". the only thing is - autistic childrens senses can keep them in the present moment but they can get stuck in that moment through fear (as in ryes case with the bugs.) i've always struggled with the label of autism, (even though i use it myself) because as we know labels can create a such a stain on your character. i want to live in a world where people who are so called "different" are woven into the fabric of life. i don't know? maybe i'm too idealistic. but i believe if we all could just search for the truth within ourselves maybe we could create a world where everyone is accepted.

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